Simplify daily administrative tasks, improve communication and reward engagement

Our Client is one of Switzerland's leading private clinic Groups achieving an extensive external growth with clinics located on all Swiss cantons. Employees' engagement and sense of belonging within the Group should be nurtured, leading our Client to initiative an Employee App with 3 objectives:

  • Simplify administrative tasks, reduce paperwork and painful connections with multiple digital systems
  • Reinforce the communication and bring a cohesive team spirit
  • Appreciate and reward employees' engagement based on peers' review

Three clusters of functionalities: e-services, social, appreciation & reward

Open Web Technology was commissioned to implement two tailor-made native mobile application [iOS and Android] centralizing clinics' internal communication and e-services, supporting employees' social interactions and rewarding engagement. In its first version, the App supports employees to:

  • Make and manage vacation requests.
  • Consult the latest clinics' news and KPIs.
  • See who is present at the clinic and easily contact a colleague.
  • Engage teams around challenges and contribute to clinic's activity forecasting.
  • Reward most dedicated employees with nice appreciations.

An iterative approach to fit to users' needs

We implemented the current first version of the App following our proven methodology.

  • Firstly, the blueprint phase to identify and prioritize users' needs, before specifying the solution from a functional and technical perspective.
  • Secondly, the development phase using agile methodologies.

The app is currently being rolled-out in the clinic network, and will be iteratively improved based on feedback gathered.

Iterative Journey

  • Analysis of users' needs – on the care and administrative side
  • Definition of the functionalities, design and architecture of the mobile App
  • Development of native iOS and Android Apps
  • Launch of the Apps roll-out
  • Iterative improvement based on users' feedback

clinic activity

Consult clinics' news and contribute to activity forecasting

Employees can consult the latest clinics' news and access to selected KPIs evolution in real time (admissions, client satisfaction, …). They can also contribute directly to activity forecasting by estimating the admission number for the next 4 weeks.


Centralize and simplify vacation requests

Employees can request a vacation easily in the App and follow-up the approval status from their management. Managers have to possibility to consult, accept or refuse any vacation request coming from their team. Less paper and emails, and a central hub for all requests !

engage colleagues

Contact, engage with and reward colleagues

Employees can visualize on a map who is present at the clinic, search for a specific colleague in the directory, and directly contact them via email or phone. They can also engage with peers and share their best moments at work through weekly picture contests, or reward most dedicated employees with nice appreciations.

« The Employee App has nice features for a first version. We are eager to iteratively develop & adapt it based on user feedback, especially on e-services, social and rewarding ».

Pierre Grydbeck, Partner at OWT

Learn more about this project

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